KYC/KYB Partner: Sumsub

How can Sumsub help us with the process?

Sumsub is the one verification platform to secure the whole user journey. With Sumsub’s customizable KYC, KYB, transaction monitoring and fraud prevention solutions, we can orchestrate your verification process, welcome more customers worldwide, meet compliance requirements, reduce costs and protect our business.

  1. ID verification: Verify 14 000+ documents from 220+ countries and territories worldwide. That includes proof of address and any documents you need via custom questionnaires. Complex typescripts are easily recognized as well.

  2. Biometric verification: Perform liveness and Face Match verification to confirm true document holder identity. Sumsub’s advanced technology will match the ID photo to a live snapshot of the holder’s facial features.

  3. Address verification: Boost conversion rates and keep our regulator happy with the precise proof of address checks that take under a minute to complete. Available worldwide, with instant geolocation device checks.

  4. Non-documentary & database verification: if customers are from India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Brazil, or Argentina, perform seamless non-documentary checks via government databases. We can also use them to validate any provided documents as an extra fraud prevention measure.

Last updated